[Opendnssec-user] Can not start enforcer(1.4.10)
2016-06-07 03:22:47 UTC
Hi all,
Today I found the opendnssec in my test environment's not work well.
When I start the enforcer and signer thread will get error as below :
[***@p01-test-devops-9-81 sbin]$ ./ods-control start
Starting enforcer...
OpenDNSSEC ods-enforcerd started (version 1.4.10), pid 40128
Could not start enforcer
But the thread enforcerd has started up.
[***@p01-test-devops-9-81 sbin]$ ps -ef | grep ods
gtld 40128 1 0 11:13 ? 00:00:00 /home/gtld/software/OpenDNSSEC-1.4.10/sbin/od-enforcerd
gtld 40144 37758 0 11:14 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto ods
System log :
Jun 7 11:13:58 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-enforcerd: opendnssec starting...
Jun 7 11:13:58 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-enforcerd: opendnssec Parent exiting...
Jun 7 11:13:58 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-enforcerd: opendnssec forked OK...
Jun 7 11:13:58 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-enforcerd: opendnssec started (version 1.4.10), pid 40128
And if I start the signerd , it'll not work and got some system log as below :
Jun 7 11:17:24 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-signerd: [query] zone testzone just added, don't answer for now
Could anybody please help me to fix this ?

With kind regards.
Berry A.W. van Halderen
2016-06-07 08:08:02 UTC
Post by yaohongyuan
Hi all,
Today I found the opendnssec in my test environment's not work well.
Starting enforcer...
OpenDNSSEC ods-enforcerd started (version 1.4.10), pid 40128
Could not start enforcer
But the thread enforcerd has started up.
gtld 40128 1 0 11:13 ? 00:00:00
gtld 40144 37758 0 11:14 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto ods
Jun 7 11:13:58 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-enforcerd: opendnssec starting...
opendnssec Parent exiting...
Jun 7 11:13:58 p01-test-devops-9-81 ods-enforcerd: opendnssec forked OK...
opendnssec started (version 1.4.10), pid 40128
[query] zone testzone just added, don't answer for now
Could anybody please help me to fix this ?
The ods-enforcer thread that is running is not a hung thread from a
previous run? I would kill it off first and then retry. Otherwise;

Most of the times these problems are related to file permissions that
prevent OpenDNSSEC from functioning correctly.
What you can do is start the enforcer daemon in debug mode and without
letting it spawn into the background. This sometimes gives more
information on either the standard error/output or the syslog.
Start the enforcer with the -d option like this:

ods-enforcer -d

You still need to review both output and syslog.

