[Opendnssec-user] single KSK, multiple ZSKs
Simon Fromme
2016-09-13 14:30:41 UTC

I am currently trying to set up OpenDNSSEC 2.0.1 wanting to use a single
KSK to sign the ZSKs of multiple zones.

Having not found any information on
https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/DOCS20/OpenDNSSEC, I'd be glad if
somebody could provide me with a way to do this. Each zone file should
be signed with its own ZSK, yet all ZSKs should be signed by a single
KSK. What configuration steps are necessary to prevent OpenDNSSEC from
generating an entirely new ZSK/KSK key-pair each time?

The possibility to do so seems to be a new feature of the recent 2.0
version so looking at the older (but much more detailed) documentation
did not help.

Thanks a lot!
Yuri Schaeffer
2016-09-13 20:54:28 UTC
Hi Simon,
Post by Simon Fromme
Each zone file should
be signed with its own ZSK, yet all ZSKs should be signed by a single
KSK. What configuration steps are necessary to prevent OpenDNSSEC from
generating an entirely new ZSK/KSK key-pair each time?
There is the <ShareKeys/> element in the <Keys> section as was there in
ODS 1.4. And it behaves mostly the same: both KSK ans ZSK will be
shared. So it does not match your requirements.

If you don't mind me asking, what are your motivations for not sharing
ZSKs as well?

