[Opendnssec-user] Signer crash after restart.
David Peall
2017-05-02 09:08:58 UTC

I got the following message after starting up signer after a reboot:
ods-signerd: daemon/engine.c:894: engine_recover: assertion zone->zl_status == ZONE_ZL_ADDED failed

David Peall
Berry A.W. van Halderen
2017-05-02 09:30:03 UTC
Post by David Peall
ods-signerd: daemon/engine.c:894: engine_recover: assertion zone->zl_status == ZONE_ZL_ADDED failed
Judging from the reported line you are running some older 2.0.x
version. Please upgrade to the latest 2.1.1 release, which requires
no database migration from older 2.0 releases so should be painless.

It is hard to speculate which issue you are facing without knowing
the issue you are facing. You could go for a full-resign, which
isn't really good practice....
- Increment ALL SOA serials on your input zone files to be higher
then the serials currently in the signed zones.
- remove all files from .../opendnssec/tmp/ or .../opendnssec/signer/
depending on which configuration you are using.
- start the signer and wait for all zones to get re-signed fully.

