[Opendnssec-user] DB prepare Err 2006: MySQL server has gone away
David Peall
2017-03-03 06:23:00 UTC

I’ve noticed this happens quite often:

ods-enforcerd: DB prepare SQL SELECT zone.id, zone.rev, zone.policyId, zone.name, zone.signconfNeedsWriting, zone.signconfPath, zone.nextChange, zone.ttlEndDs, zone.ttlEndDk, zone.ttlEndRs, zone.rollKskNow, zone.rollZskNow, zone.rollCskNow, zone.inputAdapterType, zone.inputAdapterUri, zone.outputAdapterType, zone.outputAdapterUri, zone.nextKskRoll, zone.nextZskRoll, zone.nextCskRoll FROM zone

ods-enforcerd: DB prepare Err 2006: MySQL server has gone away

I need to issue a reload to the enforcer to get things going again, is this a configuration error or is there some issue with the DB pool in OpenDNSSEC.

Kind Regards
David Peall
Yuri Schaeffer
2017-03-03 08:24:55 UTC
Hi David,
Post by David Peall
ods-enforcerd: DB prepare Err 2006: MySQL server has gone away
I need to issue a reload to the enforcer to get things going again, is this a configuration error or is there some issue with the DB pool in OpenDNSSEC.
There is quite an extensive list that could cause the connection to a
mysql server to be lost:

Thanks for reporting. I'll create an issue to see if and how we need to
handle this error more gracefully.

