Your problem seems really odd, but for some reason not strange. We've
the file system.
notes, but came across with something similar before.
mapping file.
ods-hsmutil dnskey 39a954b0fccb0f5ed73614d5fc1a8144 test.
sudo -u opendnssec ods-hsmutil dnskey 39a954b0fccb0f5ed73614d5fc1a8144 test.
it should fail.
Post by Emil NatanHere is how it goes for me.
Zone: Keytype: State: Date of next
XXX KSK active 2016-01-16
XXX ZSK active 2015-04-18 22:40:55
Purging all keys from repository: Keyper
12 keys found.
Are you sure you want to remove ALL keys from repository Keyper ?
(YES/NO) yes
Starting purge...
Key remove successful: fdd17d120d3e548a104dda856d84c770
Key remove successful: db97ded0cc231c3908f8f20f5ce21229
Key remove successful: f81e4b2cb33eec780320b6ceeb6f6bb8
Purge done.
PKCS11 Slot : 0
PKCS11 Label : aepkeyper
Keyper Model : Keyper Ent 1126
Keyper version : 2.0
App : 020
ABL : 029
AL : 02
Token initialised OK
zonelist filename set to /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
kasp filename set to /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml.
Removing zone XXX from database
Notifying enforcer of new database...
I stopped both ODS daemons.
root 14452 0.0 0.0 11744 896 pts/2 S+ 13:31 0:00 grep
--color=auto ods
Initialize ODS, all the warnings are skipped, but no errors.
*WARNING* This will erase all data in the database; are you sure? [y/N] y
zonelist filename set to /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
kasp filename set to /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml.
Repository Keyper found
No Maximum Capacity set.
RequireBackup set.
INFO: The XML in /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/conf.xml is valid
INFO: The XML in /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml is valid
INFO: The XML in /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml is valid
Policy XXXTLD found
Generate new keys.
--zonetotal 1 --interval P2Y
Key sharing is Off
Info: converting P2Y to seconds; M interpreted as 31 days, Y interpreted
as 365 days
HSM opened successfully.
Info: 0 zone(s) found on policy "XXXTLD"
Info: Keys will actually be generated for a total of 1 zone(s) as
specified by zone total parameter
keys_to_generate(2) = keys_needed(2) - keys_available(0).
keys_to_generate(6) = keys_needed(6) - keys_available(0).
*WARNING* This will create 2 KSKs (2048 bits) and 6 ZSKs (1024 bits)
Are you sure? [y/N]
Created KSK size: 2048, alg: 8 with id: 39a954b0fccb0f5ed73614d5fc1a8144
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created KSK size: 2048, alg: 8 with id: 47dc08d7c5be2104b18a9f7a1702e6b0
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created ZSK size: 1024, alg: 8 with id: 64504804f1dc34cd44fa83cbede95275
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created ZSK size: 1024, alg: 8 with id: ec77d359ccdde3e38b222423a5d2075f
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created ZSK size: 1024, alg: 8 with id: 669a0a563fa03c62fc58d20e85628b35
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created ZSK size: 1024, alg: 8 with id: e799a40efda79c8e98a76adc72470f6d
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created ZSK size: 1024, alg: 8 with id: 0618eb27e1061e37df6bf6a055c85160
in repository: Keyper and database.
Created ZSK size: 1024, alg: 8 with id: 424fbb66fbaf3605b4d935b473d1be01
in repository: Keyper and database.
NOTE: keys generated in repository Keyper will not become active until
they have been backed up
all done! hsm_close result: 0
I also mark the keys as backed up.
Marked all repositories as pre-backed up at 2014-12-16 13:40:15
Marked all repositories as backed up at 2014-12-16 13:40:21
This time I stopped the signer and enforcer before setup, so I start them.
opendns+ 14492 0.0 0.5 128840 5548 ? Ss 13:42 0:00
opendns+ 14501 0.0 0.6 533744 7068 ? Ssl 13:42 0:00
root 14514 0.0 0.0 11744 896 pts/1 S+ 13:45 0:00 grep
--color=auto ods
I added the zone, again by editing zonelist.xml and ...
zonelist filename set to /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
kasp filename set to /ods-data/etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml.
Zone XXX found; policy set to XXXTLD
Notifying enforcer of new database...
And I end up with the same problem.
Dec 16 13:46:08 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [hsm] libhsm connection ok
Dec 16 13:46:08 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [hsm] unable to get key: key
39a954b0fccb0f5ed73614d5fc1a8144 not found
Dec 16 13:46:08 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [zone] unable to publish
dnskeys for zone XXX: error creating dnskey
Dec 16 13:46:08 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone
XXX: failed to publish dnskeys (General error)
Dec 16 13:46:08 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [worker[1]] CRITICAL: failed
to sign zone XXX: General error
Zone: Keytype: State: Date of next
XXX ZSK active 2015-04-19
13:46:07 (retire) 1024 8 64504804f1dc34cd44fa83cbede95275
Keyper 5680
XXX KSK publish 2014-12-16
17:51:07 (ready) 2048 8 39a954b0fccb0f5ed73614d5fc1a8144
Keyper 6962
I'll send you the full log off-list.
Thanks again.
On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Matthijs Mekking
Hi Emil,
Short: I tried to simulate your use case (with SoftHSM, on
ubuntu-trusty-64 VM), but it seems to work for me. Perhaps I used
slightly different commands? Can you share your used commands?
Best regards,
Matthijs <> KSK publish
2014-12-16 23:55:02 <> ZSK active
2015-03-16 09:55:02
Post by Emil NatanGood morning,
I have a test environment with ODS 1.4.6 and Keyper HSM where signing
zones was working until I decided to remove all keys and start from scratch.
I removed all keys with "ods-hsmutil purge"\
$ sudo ods-hsmutil purge SoftHSM
Purging all keys from repository: SoftHSM
2 keys found.
Are you sure you want to remove ALL keys from repository SoftHSM ?
Starting purge...
Key remove successful: 816416e1255a1724021895b531c0e313
Key remove successful: 615ef6c218cc6bc6d714a0742a07617b
Purge done.
Post by Emil Natanreinitialized the HSM\
$ sudo softhsm --init-token --slot 0 --label "OpenDNSSEC"
The SO PIN must have a length between 4 and 255 characters.
The user PIN must have a length between 4 and 255 characters.
The token has been initialized.
Post by Emil Natanremoved the single zone I used to sign\
$ sudo ods-ksmutil zone delete --zone <>
zonelist filename set to /etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
Zone list updated: 1 removed, 0 added, 0 updated.
Post by Emil Natanreinitialized the database "ods-ksmutil setup"\
I think you should first stop the opendnssec service, but I will not do
$ sudo ods-ksmutil setup
*WARNING* This will erase all data in the database; are you sure? [y/N] y
fixing permissions on file /var/opendnssec/kasp.db
zonelist filename set to /etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
kasp filename set to /etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml.
Repository SoftHSM found
No Maximum Capacity set.
RequireBackup NOT set; please make sure that you know the potential
problems of using keys which are not recoverable
INFO: The XML in /etc/opendnssec/conf.xml is valid
INFO: The XML in /etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml is valid
INFO: The XML in /etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml is valid
WARNING: In policy default, Y used in duration field for Keys/KSK
Lifetime (P1Y) in /etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml - this will be interpreted as
365 days
WARNING: In policy lab, Y used in duration field for Keys/KSK Lifetime
(P1Y) in /etc/opendnssec/kasp.xml - this will be interpreted as 365 days
Policy default found
Info: converting P1Y to seconds; M interpreted as 31 days, Y interpreted
as 365 days
Policy lab found
Info: converting P1Y to seconds; M interpreted as 31 days, Y interpreted
as 365 days
Post by Emil Natanpregenerated new keys\
But you have no zones currently (you removed the single zone)?
$ sudo ods-ksmutil key generate --policy default --interval P1Y
Key sharing is Off
Info: converting P1Y to seconds; M interpreted as 31 days, Y interpreted
as 365 days
HSM opened successfully.
Info: 0 zone(s) found on policy "default"
No zones on policy default, skipping...
$ sudo ods-ksmutil zone add --zone <>
zonelist filename set to /etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml.
Imported zone: <>
Post by Emil Natanupdated, restarted all services.
$ sudo ods-control stop
Stopping enforcer...
Stopping signer engine...
Engine shut down.
$ sudo ods-control start
Starting enforcer...
OpenDNSSEC ods-enforcerd started (version 1.4.6), pid 28343
Starting signer engine...
OpenDNSSEC signer engine version 1.4.6
Engine running.
Post by Emil NatanEverything seems to worked well, but the signer does not find one of the
keys to sign the zone, more specifically the KSK. I went the above
Dec 16 09:40:27 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [hsm] unable to get key: key
f81e4b2cb33eec780320b6ceeb6f6bb8 not found
Dec 16 09:40:27 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [zone] unable to publish
dnskeys for zone XXX: error creating dnskey
Dec 16 09:40:27 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone
XXX: failed to publish dnskeys (General error)
Dec 16 09:40:27 debugsigner002 ods-signerd: [worker[4]] CRITICAL: failed
to sign zone XXX: General error
For me, it finds the old key in the
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [hsm] libhsm
connection opened succesfully
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [engine] signer
started (version 1.4.6), pid 28355
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [hsm] unable to
get key: key 615ef6c218cc6bc6d714a0742a07617b not found
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [zone] unable to
publish dnskeys for zone <>: error
creating dnskey
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [zone] corrupted
backup file zone <>: unable to publish
dnskeys (General error)
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [engine] unable to
recover zone <> from backup,
performing full sign
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [signconf] zone <> signconf: RESIGN[PT7200S]
Dec 16 10:07:59 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 ods-signerd: [STATS] <> 1418724479 RR[count=61 time=0(sec)]
time=0(sec)] RRSIG[new=112 reused=0 time=0(sec) avg=0(sig/sec)]
Post by Emil Natanf81e4b2cb33eec780320b6ceeb6f6bb8
Keyper f81e4b2cb33eec780320b6ceeb6f6bb8 RSA/2048
Zone: Keytype: State: Date of next
XXX KSK active 2016-01-16
09:49:45 (retire) 2048 8 f81e4b2cb33eec780320b6ceeb6f6bb8
Keyper 6061
XXX ZSK active 2015-04-18
22:40:55 (retire) 1024 8 d2aa0ba9af0f41429d23ea387abb836a
external tools - dnssec-keyfromlabel can use it.
No other errors in the log.
Any ideas what's wrong? Suggestions what else to try?
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